Müller & Makaroff from Gotan Project
Present Antropoceno!
Christoph H. MüllerEduardo Makaroff

A project that linksmusic with science.
The Anthropocene (Antropoceno) is the current geological epoch, in which human actions are the main cause of the destruction of an ecosystem that is essential to the survival of our species: Homo Sapiens.
This is a unique moment in the history of our planet. For the first time one single species is responsible for the changes occurring and we are capable of producing more power than all other forces of nature put together.
The sixth extinction of life on Earth, climate change, acidification of the oceans, rise in sea level, shortage of drinking water, air pollution, deforestation, nuclear contamination, pandemics, wildfires, floods, and accumulation of plastics are all part of the lasting human impact.
Everybody, in every level of society, should act in order to prevent the coming catastrophes. We have decided to fight back with the strongest weapon we have: our music. With our songs we try to raise awareness of a crisis that is already happening, but is not treated like one!
Christoph H. MüllerEduardo Makaroff

Watch now
Müller & Makaroff present "Nós somos Amazonia" feat. Flavia Coelho.With the voice of Samela Sataré MawéDirected by Daniela Pinto.
Müller & Makaroff present ANTROPOCENO! at COP26 in Glasgow November 10, 2021
Credits:"El lloro de la Tierra" feat. Mariana Carrizo LIVE at UNDRR's Risk Award Ceremony 2021Music & Words: Mariana Carrizo / Eduardo Makaroff / Christoph H. MüllerEdited by Daniela Pinto for Visual BalanceAntropoceno! logo by Max Rompo
Credits:"El lloro de la Tierra" feat. Mariana CarrizoMusic & Words: Mariana Carrizo / Eduardo Makaroff / Christoph H. MüllerDirected by Daniela Pinto for Visual BalanceAntropoceno! logo by Max Rompo
Credits:"Da casa mia" feat. Doro GjatMusic: Eduardo Makaroff / Christoph H. Müller / Luca MorealeWords: Luca DoroteaDirected by Daniela Pinto for Visual BalanceAntropoceno! logo by Max Rompo
Credits: Antropoceno (Atentas al) feat. Fémina, Hilda Lizarazu & Mia Folino / Written & produced by Müller & Makaroff / Video by Ian Kornfeld / Design by Rompo / Cover animation by Ale Pippa
Credits: "Ahora (Now!)" Written & produced by Müller & Makaroff / Video directed by Ian Kornfeld / Design by Rompo / Cover animation by Ale Pippa
Credits: "Antropoceno (Atentas al)" feat. Fémina, Hilda Lizarazu & Mia Folino / Written & produced by Müller & Makaroff / Video directed by Rompo / Animations by Ale Pippa / Performed at UN Global Climate Action Awards Ceremony 2020
Credits: "Ahora (Now!)" Written & produced by Müller & Makaroff / Video directed by Rompo / Animations by Ale Pippa / Performed at UN Global Climate Action Awards Ceremony 2020
Christoph H. MüllerEduardo Makaroff

Listen to
Our guests, or messengers:
Children choir from Buenos Aires directed by franco-argentinean singer Louise
Nós somos Amazonia
Our guests, or messengers:
Flavia Coelho is a singer from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil based in Paris, France https://www.flaviacoelhomusic.com/ Samela Sateré Mawé is an indigenous activist, creator and communicator from Brazil https://www.instagram.com/sam_sateremawe/
Todo puede suceder
Our guest, or messenger:
KEVIN JOHANSEN is a singer and songwriter from Buenos Aires, Argentina https://kevinjohansen.com/
El lloro de la Tierra
Our guest, or messenger:
MARIANA CARRIZO is a singer and songwriter from Salta, Argentina https://www.instagram.com/marianacopleracarrizo/
Da casa mia
Our guest, or messenger:
DORO GJAT is a rapper, singer and songwriter from Italy (Friuli) https://www.dorogjat.com/
Ahora (Now!)
Guests, or messengers:
Antropoceno (atentas al)
Guests, we call them messengers:
FÉMINA is a trio from San Martín de los Andes, Argentina.
HILDA LIZARAZU is a singer and songwriter from Argentina.
MÍA FOLINO is a singer from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and also Hilda’s daughter.
Christoph H. MüllerEduardo Makaroff

When Buenos Aires native Eduardo Makaroff and Swiss born Christoph H. Müller met in Paris during the creation of the Gotan Project in 1998, they both already had a rich background and careers in music in their countries of origin as well as in France.
Alongside their activities within the Gotan Project they have written and produced music together for feature films, documentaries and advertising campaigns.
In 2014 Catherine Ringer (from the French cult band “Les Rita Mitsouko”) joins them to sing their new Tango Pop songs. The result is an album: “Plaza Francia, A new Tango Songbook” released by French label Because. Another big tour followed in France and Europe. Plaza Francia has played in major festivals and venues in 2014 & 2015.
In 2018 Plaza Francia became the Plaza Francia Orchestra, releasing a second self-titled album and went on another tour which ended in Abu Dhabi in the fall of 2019.
What isThe Anthropocene?
Christoph H. MüllerEduardo Makaroff

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Performances, concert schedules, releases, and more.
Videoclip for “Nós somos Amazonia” OUT NOW
2 December, 2022